Bees are protected under Georgia Law

Excerpt from the website of the Ga. Dept. of Agriculture:
The Georgia Department of Agriculture supports and endorses agricultural activities across the state. Since nearly one-third of our food is the direct result of pollination by insects, honey bees are very important. In fact, more than 100 agricultural crops in the U. S. are pollinated by bees.

Although many people make a living from honey bees, most beekeepers have only a few hives and many reside in urban and suburban areas. The Georgia General Assembly recognizes the importance of honey bees – even in the urban and suburban environment – and has adopted several statutes to protect beekeepers. These statutes are:
O.C.G.A. §1-3-3, apiary products are included in the definition of “agriculture”,
O.C.G.A. §2-1-6, relates to local ordinances and production of agricultural farm products,
O.C.G.A. §2-14-41.1, local governments cannot prohibit beekeeping, and
O.C.G.A. §41-1-7, commonly called the Georgia “Right To Farm Law”.


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