Filtering of honey. Photo credit: Luc Viatour, Wikimedia Commons
The Benefits of Honey are universally accepted.
Simple recipes using honey can offer natural relief to respiratory ailments, improve your energy and stamina, help to heal wounds, and reduce stress. In addition, pure honey is used in many beauty treatments as well. Preferred as a sweetener by the “carb” conscious dieter, honey is a natural alternative to using sugar. Drop us an email if you have any questions about the benefits of honey.
• Recent studies indicate that honey has significant natural antioxidant properties
• Antioxidants help protect the skin from the damage of UV rays, and help you keep your skin looking young.
• Honey can offer natural relief to respiratory ailments, improve your energy and stamina, help to heal wounds and reduce stress.
• Honey is the perfect ingredient for your recipes! It contains vitamins and antioxidants, but is fat free, cholesterol free and sodium free!
• Antioxidants are important in staying healthy. The antioxidant called “pinocembrin” can be found only in honey.
• Research has shown that unlike most other sweeteners, honey contains small amounts of a wide array of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and antioxidants. Honey, a rich source of carbohydrates, provides a quick source of energy.
• There is only one food that is includes all the substances necessary to sustain life, including water. That food is honey.
• A great healing aid, honey is known to combat infection.
• Honey is very soothing when applied to minor burns. It also helps prevent scarring because it attracts and absorbs moisture.
A Word of caution: Don’t feed honey to infants
Honey should not be fed to infants under one year of age.
Honey is a safe and wholesome food for children and adults.
Little ones do not have a fully developed immune system and will not derive
the health benefits listed above as adults and older children receive.